Jessica Trent: Her Life on a Ranch Read online

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  The young ranchwoman placed her pan in safety and ran out upon that northporch, where the table was already spread, to meet the visitor.

  "Oh! I'm glad you've gotten here all safe. How did you do it? It'sa long walk for those who aren't used to it. Even for those who are,too. Did you ride your horse? Was he better?"

  She rattled off her questions without waiting for replies and to givehim time to recover his breath, which he seemed to have lost. Then shepoured him a glass of milk and urged him to drink it, with the remark:

  "That's Blandina's own. She's the house-cow. You'll find itdelicious. Don't you?"

  "It's fine milk," answered the other, cautiously; "but, if it isn'ttoo much trouble, a bit of ice would improve it."

  "Ice? Why, where could I get ice? Sometimes, in the winter, a littleforms along the arroyo, but now--I'm very sorry, indeed. I'd be so gladto get it if I could."

  Mr. Hale swallowed the sickeningly warm liquid with a gulp and hastenedto apologize.

  "It wouldn't be good for me if you could. My compliments to yourhouse-cow, and I'm very grateful for my refreshment. You have abeautiful home."

  "Haven't we? The prettiest in the world, I guess. My father thoughtso and my mother loves it. So do we all, but to her it is dearest.Because, you see, father and she have made it all it is. Please, just letme move your chair nearer the edge of the porch. So. Now, look awayoff to the east. Father said there could be no view more uplifting. Hewished everybody who had to live in cities could see it. He knew itwould make them better men."

  Magnificent though it was, Mr. Hale found his small hostess moreinteresting than the view.

  "Your father----" he began, questioningly.

  "Isn't here, now. He passed heavenward a year ago. Since then nothingseems just the same, and dear mother is often sad and troubled. Youknow she wants to carry on all father's experiments, she doesn't wanthis 'life work to be wasted,' she says, and Antonio isn't able toget as much money as he used to be. She tries so bravely not to let itfret her, and I don't see where she is. She was in the kitchen withme. We were getting dinner because Wun Lung, the cook, cut his hand,and Pasqual isn't to be trusted. Of course, he's a good enough boy, canmake beds and such things, but--cook! One must be very dainty to dothat. My mother can cook deliciously! She taught herself everythingand the why of it. When she and father came here they lived in thattiny adobe away at the end of the second row. Do you see it? By the oldcorridor. Their table was a packing box and they had just a littlecamping outfit. Now there's all this."

  Jessica Trent's sweet face glowed with loving pride in her fair home,but this was as nothing of the tenderness which filled her eyes as theynow caught sight of a tall woman in black coming over the garden path.

  "There she is, my mother!"

  Mr. Hale rose as the lady drew near and one glance showed him whatmodel "Lady Jess" had chosen as a type of that "perfect" breedingto which the little maid aspired. The mistress of Sobrante was areal gentlewoman, even though her gown was of cheapest print and hersurroundings those of an isolated western ranch. Her daughter ran tocast a clinging, yet protecting, arm about her, and proudly turningtoward their guest, presented:

  "My mother, Mrs. Trent, Mr. ----" and smiling waited for him to finishthe sentence.

  "Hale. I had forgotten to mention my name before, even though we havechatted so cosily. Permit me, madam."

  The card he offered bore the inscription:

  "Mr. Morris Hale, Attorney at Law, 156 Broadway, New York."

  Watchful Jessica saw her mother's face pale, while into her nativecordiality of manner crept that slight hauteur with which she regardedthe most objectionable of "tourists." This, then, was one such, andthe girl was sorry. She had liked the stranger so much and was alreadyplanning pleasant entertainment for him; but if her dear did not approveof him her own opinion went for naught.

  Yet it was only the statement of the gentleman's business that hadcaused Mrs. Trent's momentary coldness, for at that time, though herdaughter did not know this, the mere suggestion of law or lawyersdisturbed her. But she was quick to feel the possible injustice of herfear and to atone for it by a deeper cordiality.

  "You have come just in time to share our dinner, Mr. Hale, and we'llnot wait any longer for laggards. I was looking for the children. Jessie,dear, have you seen them?"

  "Not since breakfast, mother. But they can't be far away, for there'sScruff yonder, trying to get into the alfalfa."

  "Antonio hasn't come up, either, since the plucking. I wish he wouldwhile the food is fresh. If you'll----"

  "We needn't wait for him, because I met him riding toward thefoothills, as I came home. He's probably off to the mines and thatmeans an all-day's trip. But I'll help you dish up, and seek theboys, though they don't often need seeking at mealtime. You sit rightdown with Mr. Hale, dear, and I'll serve you. Pasqual can bring in thetureen, and I hope the eggs aren't spoiled by waiting."

  "Is Scruff that mottled burro poking his nose through that fence?"asked the guest.

  "Yes. He belongs to my little son, Ned, who shares him with hisplaymate, Luis. An inseparable trio, usually."

  "Then I'm the cause of their present separation. I rode that animaldown from old Pedro's cabin and at his advice," Mr. Hale describedhis meeting with the two small lads, the fright they had given him,and his own desertion of them. "Though now I'm ashamed to recall howreadily I consigned them to a tramp I was unwilling to take myself.I wish I'd brought them with me. We could have used Scruff's back,turn and turn about."

  "Oh how could they! One misstep and they'd have been killed."

  "What is it, mother?" asked Jessica, seeing the lady's hand shake sothat she could scarcely serve the soup which formed the chief dish oftheir plain dinner.

  "Only another prank of those terrifying children. Bound themselves--orhad help to bind--and rode Scruff bareback up the canyon! They'realways 'playing Indian,' and I wish they'd never heard of one. It'sthat Ferd eggs them on. He 'dares' them and----Excuse me, Mr. Hale.Mothers are anxious people. Try some of Jessie's scramble, please. Sheis just learning to cook and likes to be appreciated."

  "But I didn't see them, as I went up or down. They must have taken thelong road around by the north end. Where the old Digger village is,"observed Jessie.

  "A forbidden route. It's to be hoped they'll follow the shortest roadhome. If they're not here in an hour one of the men must go to fetchthem."

  Jessica laughed and kissed her mother.

  "Don't you worry, dear, and do, please, eat your dinner. Aren't thosechildren always having hairbreadth escapes, and are they ever hurt?Pedro'll send them down in a hurry. He knows his mistress and herways, and wouldn't let her be troubled if he could help it. They'll getno dinner at Pedro's, and dinner is something they've never missed yet.Hark! Aren't going to miss now! Listen. They're fighting along home intheir regular fashion. By the sound they've about got to prickly-pearhedge. _Hola!_ Ned! Lu-is! Oh! beg pardon. I forgot I was at table.Excuse me, mother, and I'll bring in the youngsters--after a deluge!"

  Already there was an uproar in the outer kitchen, where two tired andhungry little boys were assaulting the unoffending Pasqual, diligentlyscrubbing away at his pots and pans. Any victim will do, at a pinch, tovent one's wrath upon, and Pasqual was nearest. But he was not one tosuffer patiently, and promptly returned the puny blows of his assailantswith much more vigorous ones, till Jessica reached the spot, rescuedthe truants, and conducted them to the washbasin.

  From there, disdaining the towel, they made rapid transit to the porchand the presence of the stranger. All along their enforced walk homethey had laid plans of vengeance, among which "tommyhawking" and"shootin' chock full o' arrers" were the wildest. But, alas! Nowthat their enemy was in their very power, they had no fiercer weaponsthan four grimy little fists. Better these than nothing, was Ned'sinstant decision, and Luis was but Ned's second thought. As Ned'sright descended upon Mr. Hale's shoulders, Luis'
left delivered atelling blow upon the gentleman's hand, uplifted toward his lips.This was small assistance to the yellow-haired chief, for the spoonfled straight from the victim's fingers and landed squarely in Ned'sface.

  This created intense diversion. The blows intended for the guest werenow bestowed upon each other, and so impartially that neither side wasworsted. Mrs. Trent rose in her place, flushed and apologetic, thoughthe stranger was far more surprised than offended, while the sister hadonce more appeared and terminated a battle almost before it was begun.With a strength of which she did not look capable she caught up andlifted a child into each of the two high chairs in waiting--but wiselyplaced at opposite sides of the board. There they settled themselvescomposedly, beaming and smiling upon each other like a pair of winglesscherubs, while Ned thrust forth a tin basin and demanded:

  "Give me my soup, mother."

  "Gimmesoup!" echoed Luis, choking over a piece of bread he had filchedfrom Jessica's plate.


  "Oh! Huh! Please give me my soup, mother."

  "Plea' gimmesoup, _madr'_."

  "Isn't your _madre_, Luis Garcia. Isn't nobody's mother but mine,so there!"

  "Humph!" remarked Jessica. "What about me?"

  This set Ned off into a giggle, in which Luis dutifully joined, and thelaughter restored the best of feelings all around. The meal over, Mrs.Trent offered the guest the use of a room in which to rest, and this hegladly accepted; adding that he wished he might be able to make somearrangement with her by which he could occupy it indefinitely, tillhis health was restored and the business which had brought him to thatregion was completed. Any terms she would make would be most satisfactoryto him, for he was charmed with Sobrante and most anxious to sojournthere for a time.

  Jessica was already clearing the table, yet watching her mother closely,and was surprised to see a moment's hesitation on the dear face beforethe expected and customary answer came:

  "We are always glad to make our friends welcome at Sobrante, and foras long as our simple life suits them, but we could not accept paymentfor our hospitality. I am glad you like our home, and Jessica will showyou to the friend's room at once. Tell Pasqual, my dear, to attend Mr.Hale and see that he has all which he requires. All that may be suppliedat this isolated spot, that is," she added, with a smile.

  Mr. Hale thanked his hostess and withdrew, but he felt that he hadpractically been dismissed from the ranch and that he had no pastfriendship to urge as a plea for any but the briefest visit there.

  Yet the cool chamber into which the traveler was shown proved so restfulthat the "forty winks only" which he intended were prolonged tillsunset. Then he hastily descended to the lower floor to find that theearly supper of the household was over; though Mrs. Trent had kept hisown portion hot, and smilingly waved aside his apologies as she placedbefore him a dish of delicately broiled quail, prepared by her ownskillful hands.

  "Why, this is a luxury! and to be expected only at some great hotel.By the way, where is the nearest one? I should have been on my way longago."

  "I hope not. And you cannot well reach any hotel to-night. The nearestis thirty miles away, and for a long distance the road is a mere trackacross the plain. Even those who are used to it, would find it difficultto keep it on a moonless night, as this will be."

  "Oh! I'm so sorry."

  The hostess' face grew anxious. "Is it so important? I thought----"

  "Humph! That's another of my blunders. My regret is that I must forcemyself upon your hospitality after----"

  Mrs. Trent interrupted with a laugh.

  "I imagine we're talking at cross-purposes. While I cannot make anyguest comfortable at Sobrante 'indefinitely,' as you proposed, Ishould be disappointed to have you leave us hurriedly, I'd like you toinspect the ranch, thoroughly, and that will require at least a week.Besides, since I've learned from your card that you are a lawyer, Iwould like to ask your advice. Of course, if you are willing to give itin a business way."

  "I shall be happy to serve you and more than happy to stay for the weekyou propose, I came----"

  But he did not finish his sentence. There rang through the quiet room theechoes of rifle shots, repeated singly and in volleys, and accompanied byshouts and shrieks, so fierce and unearthly that Mr. Hale sprang to hisfeet while his hand sought his own pistol pocket.

  "Horrible! In the midst of this peace--an Indian outbreak!"

  A curious thrill ran through his veins, as if his sixty years hadsuddenly turned backward to sixteen, and, with an answering cry, heleaped through the open window and rushed straight into the arms of a manwho had already reached the porch and was making for the very roomthat the stranger had just quitted.