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Jessica Trent: Her Life on a Ranch Page 11
Jessica Trent: Her Life on a Ranch Read online
Page 11
"Well, mother! What are you doing, waking me out of my beauty sleep,this way?"
"Don't speak to me, John Benton. This is no time for fooling. Not tillI've got my breath, knocked out of me by the plumb wickedness of thisworld. That I should have lived to hear such things and not died in mytracks!"
Upon leaving Mr. Hale's sickroom, Aunt Sally had traveled as fast as hernimble feet could carry her to her son's quarters, in the old mission,and had burst in upon his slumbers, with a mighty groan.
"What's up?"
"You ought to be, for one thing. There, lie still. I can talk and youcan listen--and you'll need support 'fore I'm through. That man! Oh!that man!"
"Yes'm. Which one?"
"Shut up. You need spankin' as bad as ever you did. But--John, John!The vilest wretch that ever trod shoe leather! The best, the generousest,the noblest--and not here to say a word for his poor self."
"Mother, your remarks seem a little mixed. If you'll face the other wayI'll have on my clothes in a jiffy. Can't 'pear to sense things sowell, lying a-bed after daylight."
Mrs. Benton stepped outside the house and paced the beaten path with atread powerful enough to crush all her enemies, had they been in herway. Swiftly, heavily, back and forth, with clinched hands and grimlips, the woman was rather working her indignation to a higher pointthan allaying it, and as the carpenter limped from his quarters he sawthis, and thought:
"She meant it. No time for fooling when she's stirred up that way. Whatin the name of reason can ail her?"
After a plunge of his head in the water of the general washing-trough,through which a fresh stream was continually piped, and a drying on theroller towel suspended near it, his wits were clearer. Finishing histoilet by means of his pocket-comb, he considered himself ready forher story and for anything that it might entail.
"Well, mother?"
Aunt Sally paused and glared at him in such a vicious manner that hefelt as if he were again that little boy of hers who needed the usualcorporal punishment.
"Yes, but mother--what have _I_ done?"
"Done? Nothing! Not a man jack of you! Let that viper warm himselfat her very fireside, least to say, south porch, and not show him upfor what he was. Land! The men! I never saw one yet was worth shucks,savin' hers and mine. If you was half the fellow your father was, JohnBenton, or that noble Cass'us was--oh! if ever _I_ wanted to be a manin my life I want to be this minute!"
The carpenter darted into his chamber and reappeared with a vial andspoon.
"To please me, mother, 'fore you say any more, just take a spoonful ofthis dandelion relish. Made it myself, you know, and warrant no alcoholin it!"
The jester was rewarded by a boxed ear, but he had effectually arrestedhis parent's wandering thoughts, and she burst forth with her news:
"That viper-lawyer-man has come to this Sobrante to accuse Cass'usTrent of stealing! lyin! cheating! Cass'us, your best friend and mine.Says there's a power of money missing, that was all consigned to him,to purchase that Paraiso d'Oro for a community and never reported on!"
"What? W-h-a-t!"
John had laid his hand upon her shoulder like a vise, and she began towhimper.
"Needn't pinch me, child. 'Twasn't I said it. You told me to find outwhat he wanted here and I have. He pretends he lost his way, got off theroad he was showed to take and met Lady Jess in the canyon. Says his ownhorse is up to Pedro's sheep pasture. Says----"
"_And you let him?_ Had him right there in your power and didn't knockhis old teeth down his lying throat?"
As John's wrath increased his mother's ebbed. She had passed herindignation on to another, as it were, and felt the relief of thisconfidence.
"No, I didn't. I left that for you to do. They was false ones any wayand wouldn't have hurt none. Hold on! Where you going, son?"
For the carpenter had started forward, as if intent upon instant andterrible vengeance. Neither of them noticed that Jessica had followedAunt Sally hither till a girl's voice implored:
"Don't! That would let my mother know and it would kill her!"
"Captain! You here? You understand?"
"Yes--yes. They waked me, talking, and I crept to the upper hall tostop them, so they should not disturb my poor, tired dear. Oh! I heard!I heard--every--single--dreadful word!"
"Well, I'm going to fix him for it."
"John, wait--wait. I must think. My precious mother----"
Jessica rarely wept. Now she flung herself into Aunt Sally's arms andsobbed in a way that set the carpenter raging afresh. One after anotherthe "boys" came out from the closed or open doors along the row. Somebecause it was their usual hour for rising, others to learn the causeof these early voices. But one glimpse of Lady Jess in trouble groupedevery ranchman about her and set each to hurling a torrent of questionsupon that good woman, who held her, without pause for any answer.
But John held up his hand and told the story. It belonged to them all, asJessica did, and the honor of Sobrante.
They heard it with little comment, save groans and occasionalmutterings, punctuated by fresh inquiries of Mrs. Benton. Considerablemystery had been thrown about her cross-examination of her temporarypatient, and after all it had proved the simplest matter in theworld. Concerning his own personal affairs he was provokingly silent,but he was as ready to talk about his business in that region as shewas to have him when, after a roundabout preparation, she broughthim to it.
"I am in honor pledged to do my best for my employers in the East, andunwilling to remain here under false colors, so to speak, any longer. Whois the most responsible person here, excepting Mrs. Trent?" had beenhis words.
"I am," promptly replied Aunt Sally.
"Then you shall hear my story," and he told it.
The effect of it was to loose her tongue to its utmost. One may guessthe listener heard himself portrayed in colors he failed to recognizeand that he realized he had made a mistake in the selection of a_confidante_. However, his purpose had been to do away with all doubtconcerning himself, and to do this with as little distress to his hostessas possible. For that reason he had believed a woman would be hisbest aid, but it proved that almost any ranchman on the place wouldhave been safer than she.
"Well, I ought to have known that a female who talks so much mustsay something amiss, and I can't blame her for her indignation. In herstead I might have behaved worse; and the thing now is to get overthis little weakness and go away about the miserable business, at once,"he reflected. Then he watched her hurry out of his room and surmisedwhither she would turn her steps. Therefore, he was not surprised when,somewhat later, he also left the cottage to find himself confronted bygreat Samson, quietly, but significantly, awaiting the stranger'sappearance. For the great fellow had naturally been appointed by hismates to "settle that critter's hash and settle it sudden."
"Good-morning, Samson."
"It seems so wonderful to me to wake and find this changeless sunshine,day after day, as if no such things as storms could ever exist," saidthe lawyer, pleasantly.
Samson's grimness relaxed to a slight degree. "Some kind of storms blowin fair weather. Likely you'll meet up with one sooner'n you expect.Step this way, will you?"
The sailor's expression was so formidable that, for a moment, all thewild tales the lawyer had ever read of western desperadoes returned totest his already weakened nerves. But he was no coward, and knew thatthough in a most uncomfortable position, it was by no means a guilty one.
Samson led the way, if walking closely beside the guest, as a constablewalks beside his prisoner, may be termed leading. Nor once did he turnhis angry gaze from the gentleman's face, and the riding-crop in hishand swung to and fro, as if longing to test itself against someenemy's body. The walk ended in the ranchmen's messroom, where WunLung, released from the cottage kitchen, had already been impressedinto service, and was deftly preparing breakfast. Aunt Sally haddisap
peared, but Jessica was there, perched on a corner of the dresser,by which stood "Forty-niner," with his arm about her. All the otherworkmen whom Mr. Hale had seen were also present and an air of silentfury pervaded the whole assemblage.
The stranger's glance passed swiftly from one face to another and sawno kindness on any. Even the little captain's eyes were bent downwardand her lovely face wore a sorrow it made his own heart ache to see.
Joe Dean lounged forward.
"Stranger, have you broke your fast?"
Another silence, during which the blacksmith poured a cup of inky coffeefrom the great pot, hacked off a piece of bread from a dusky loaf, andshoved them toward their unwelcome guest across the table by which hehad sat down.
"Eat, and be quick about it."
The color rose in the Easterner's cheek, but he made no motion to obey,and after a brief waiting, seeing this, Joe threw the coffee out of thewindow and tossed the bread to the dogs.
"There's a horse outside. It's for you. The poorest we've got,because once you've bestrode him no decent man'll ever mount himagain. He'll answer, though, to carry you beyond this valley, andSamson'll go with you to see you leave it for good. Then he'll turnthe beast loose and may the Lord have mercy on your dirty soul. _Get!_"
Mr. Hale did not stir. His own eye gathered fire and the pink in his facegrew scarlet, but his voice was calm as he inquired:
"Am I still at Sobrante, the home of gentlefolks? By whose orders,please, this present dramatic scene?"
"Yes; this is Sobrante. The home of gentlefolks--you spoke the truth foronce. The home of Cassius Trent, the truest man, the noblest heart, thewhitest gentleman the good Lord ever made. The home of a man! and nota free hotel for whelps! Ugh! If I had promised the captain--Lady Jess,let me off that word! I must at him, I _must_--_I will!_"
Joe's attitude was full of menace, but Mr. Hale neither moved nor tookhis own cool gaze from his enemy's face. Though Jessica had taken swiftalarm and leaped down to place herself beside the smith and clasp hishand with her own.
"No, no. You promised, and I'm your captain. Soldiers obey theircaptains and you chose me yourself. You are not to hurt him nor abusehim, though, I, too"--here she wheeled about and faced her guest,crying: "hate you, hate you! Oh! that's wicked. That's rude. But, sir,how dared you say my father--the best man ever lived--kept--took--itisn't true, it isn't!"
The lawyer rose, somewhat unsteadily. The sight of the daughter's griefdisturbed his calmness more than the affronts offered him by her beardedhenchmen. It was to her that he addressed the question:
"Am I permitted to say a word in my own behalf, Captain Jessica?"
A growl ran around the room, but she held up her small hand, protestingly.
"Yes. That's fair. My father always taught me to be fair. I'm sorry Iwas--I wasn't polite----"
"No, you aren't," shouted Samson. "Don't you dare be sorry foranything but the kindness you've showed that skunk!"
"Samson, it was you made me captain!"
"All right. I give in. Be as fair as you like, I can't help it."
"Tell us all there is to tell. As you told Aunt Sally."
"Thank you, captain. I'll be brief. I came to California, representinga company, a syndicate, which had advanced large sums of money topurchase, improve, and stock a vast tract of land called Paraiso d'Oro.Though for a time due receipts and reports had been returned to thesyndicate for several months these had entirely ceased. Unfortunately,the company had implicit faith in their consignee, and Paraiso d'Oro wasbut one of their many enterprises. I had been their legal adviser inother matters, and when my health failed from overwork, they suggestedthat I should come here and investigate their affairs, while I couldrecuperate at the same time.
"I set out on horseback from Los Angeles, my temporary headquarters,without a guide and with many erroneous notions concerning both the Stateand its people. You see, though I'd lived at the center of our nationalcivilization----"
"You're forgettin' Californy!" cried somebody.
"I'd led the narrow life of a man absorbed in one sort of business.I traveled out of my way, and lost it. Then I met your captain in thecanyon and she courteously offered me the hospitality of Sobrante. UntilI reached this spot I had no idea that it was part and parcel, so tospeak, of that Paraiso I'd come to reclaim. Gradually this fact becameclear to me and from that moment I have been anxious to get away froma hospitality I have no moral right to enjoy."
"Spoke the truth for once, liar!" grumbled Cromarty.
"You cannot feel it more than I, sir, nor more profoundly regret thatit is my misfortune to have undertaken a business which has now becomeobnoxious to me. But a lawyer must look at facts. One Cassius Trent----"
"Take care!"
"Be quiet, Marty! Go on, Mr. Hale," ordered the little captain.
"Cassius Trent was the man whose hitherto probity and enthusiasm hadenlisted the interest of his New York friends. He represented that hisprojected community would not only be an excellent investment for theirmoney, but a benefaction to humanity. They believed him and--well, theirmoney is gone, their community has not even a beginning, and the manis dead. He seems to have been a person----"
"A white gentleman, sir!"
"Who could obtain a strong hold upon the affections and confidence ofall who knew him. I admire the qualities which gained your devotion andI admire your loyalty to him. I am charmed with the home he created inthis wilderness--_for himself_--and I have the profoundest respectfor his afflicted family. I wish I had not undertaken this trust.But I have so undertaken, I am sworn to my clients' interests, and Imust further them to my utmost ability. If the missing money can berecovered I shall recover it, painful as my duty may be. And--thatis all. Good-by, little captain. It is my sincere wish that I mayfind some explanation of this mystery, other than circumstantialevidence seems to point. If I so find I shall return and tell you.If not--good-by. Make my respectful regards to your mother, and thank youfor my entertainment."
He turned and walked to the doorway, nobody interfering; but there hepaused and asked:
"That horse you mentioned? Can I purchase him of you? If so I neednot trouble Samson for his escort, but will bid you, gentlemen,good-morning."
A significant look ran around the circle of intent and lowering faces.The lawyer's succinct explanation of affairs had impressed them, but ithad not altered one fact which most mattered to those hardy countrymen.
A dead man, their idolized master and friend, had been accused of blackdishonesty, and they had passed their own promise to their girlishcaptain not to injure the accuser.
But they had not promised he should go scot-free. To some men shame wasworse than a bullet wound. It would have been so to them, and they didthe stranger thus much honor that they ascribed him equal manliness.
As he stepped across the threshold Mr. Hale found both Samson and JohnBenton close beside him, at right hand and left; and when he was aboutto mount the superannuated beast, which a grinning stable lad held forhim, he was pinioned and quietly hoisted into the saddle. Instantly,a brace of straps secured him and Samson's crop cut viciously at theanimal's neck. Then the sailor sprang into his own saddle and, amidthe insulting shouts and jeers of the assembled ranchmen, the unfortunateEasterner rode out of the mission courtyard--face backward.