Jessica Trent: Her Life on a Ranch Read online

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  Captain Jess screamed and ran forward, but her outstretched hands couldnot reach her guest, already borne many rods away. Then she faced thejeering men, with an anger she had not believed it possible that shecould ever feel toward her beloved "boys."

  "Shame on you! Shame on you, every one! How dared you? And I thought--Ithought--you were gentlemen!"

  With arms tightly folded over her breast, as if to hold back theconflicting emotions within it, her blue eyes flashing, her small footstamping, she defied and condemned them all.

  A little laughter answered her, but this sound died speedily, and awkwardglances shifted among the faces of the men. They were sorry to haveoffended the "Little One," and to have her indignant with them wasa new and unpleasant situation, but they were not in the least degreesorry that they had administered some punishment to the maligner oftheir master. Most of them would have wished this punishment more severe,but the promise Jessica had exacted from them before this interview hadprevented.

  One by one, as they had first come upon the scene they retreated fromit, though Joe Dean lingered a moment to ask:

  "Won't you come share our breakfast, captain, and so bury the hatchet?"

  She sadly shook her head. All her anger left her as suddenly as it hadarisen, and there remained in her mind but one thought--there werepeople in the world who believed her father had been a thief. That wasthe hard and bitter fact which nothing could soften. The former troubleabout the lost title deed, and the probable loss of her home seemed asnothing to this new distress. How was she to face it? How disproveit? How save her beloved mother from ever hearing it?

  There came a step beside her and a strong arm about her shoulders. Itwas Ephraim Marsh; erect, resolute, protecting.

  "Take it easy, daughter. It's you and me together'll nail this lieon the door of the man who started it. There's a blue sky up yonderand a solid earth down here. I'm good to trust the one and tread theother for forty miles a day yet, spite of my white head. If I have totravel this old State over its hundred and fifty-six thousand squaremiles, before I clinch that falsehood, I'll clinch it, if I live. If Idon't--laws, dearie, I'm in the same poor box myself. There's themthat believe me a--you know the word. Even your mother----"

  "No, Ephraim! She never believed you anything but the splendid man youare."

  "Last night, no shooting, and----"

  "It was nothing. She was tired. Aunt Sally always tires her, at first,good as she is and much as we love her. Mother is so quiet and gentleherself----"

  "I understand, darlin'."

  "Ephraim, she must never know that dreadful thing the stranger said."

  "Captain, she'll have to know."

  "She must not, I tell you! What am I for but to take care of and loveher? Ned--but Ned's only a little boy----"

  "And you, my Jessie, are but a few years older than he."

  "I'm older than you, I believe! Is it only two days since I met thatman in the canyon and things began to happen? It seems forever. As ifI'd only lived these forty-eight hours, and all that went before wasa dream."

  Ephraim stepped aside and regarded her shrewdly.

  "Old words to come from so young a mouth, Lady Captain. Have you hadany breakfast?"

  "No. I don't want any. Have you?"

  "No. But I'm going to have. As a rule, breakfasts are wholesome.Keeping your stomach quiet keeps your head clear. Things'll look morenatural after we've eat. Share mine?"

  "No, I mustn't. Mother would miss me and wonder."

  "You often do."

  "It's better you share mine to-day. Then we must plan. I heard yousay that about you and me together. Will you help me? Shall we prove itwasn't true--to the rest of the world, I mean--as we know it? Shall we?"

  "That's the rest of my life-job, darlin'. We'll begin it right awayby getting a taste of Aunt Sally's good victuals. I hate her picradoses, but her cooking beats the Dutch."


  "Afterward isn't touched yet."

  Whether real or affected there had come a cheerfulness into the oldman's tone which it had lacked a few moments earlier. After all hewas not useless. Who knew his California as he did? If it were truethat money had been sent to Mr. Trent's hands and was missing, thensomewhere was a man who had appropriated it. Whoever and wherever he was,he should be found, and Ephraim Marsh was self-appointed so to find.

  Jessica's hand slipped under his arm, and her own face grew somewhatlighter as she walked beside him toward her own home, where Aunt Sallywas keeping an anxious lookout and a most tempting breakfast.

  "Bless you, Jessie! I'm glad you've come. Step right in, Ephy. Themmuffins are so light they've nigh flown off the porch. Made with theeggs my hen-chicken laid, comin' along from Boston. Smartest fowl inthe country, and only one I ever owned would brood and lay at the sametime. I wouldn't take a fortune for that bird."

  Aunt Sally's own cheerfulness was fully restored. With her to be busyhelping somebody was, after all, her happiness. And she saw that she hadnever come to Sobrante more opportunely.

  "Your mother isn't up yet, dearie. And I've had the tackers out andwashed 'em good. Then I filled them with hot milk, and some of mysalt-risin' bread I fetched along in my box, and put 'em to bed. Ipromised if they'd go to sleep again I'd make 'em each a saucer-pie,and they went."

  In spite of her heavy heart, Jessica laughed.

  "Aunt Sally, I don't believe there's another person could make themgo to sleep at this time of day; not even my mother."

  "Pooh! Her! Why, that little Edward knows he can twist her round histhumb easy as scat. He's too much the look of his father for Gabriellaever to be sot with him. You, now, you favor her folks."

  Here, foreseeing that the talkative woman was off on a long track,Ephraim mildly inquired:

  "Aunt Sally, did you bring that rheumatism-oil you had last time youwere here?"

  She put on her spectacles and looked at him over them, as was her habit.Never, by any chance, had she been known to look through them, and herexplanation of wearing them at all was simply: "It's proper for a womanof my age."

  "Ephy, you feel real bright, don't you? You and rheumatism! Why, man,you'll be getting married before you get rheumatic."

  "Then I'll never need the oil."

  She was not to be so easily worsted. If Ephraim was minded to befacetious, she'd match him at the business. Whereupon, instead ofrehearsing the history of Gabriella's "folks" she veered round upondisease and gave them details of all the dreadful things she had everheard till "Forty-niner" cried, "Quits! I'll not tackle you again."

  Mrs. Benton's eyes twinkled over her cup, for she had joined them attable. She knew, as he did, that this was but foolish sport, yet that ithad served their mutual purpose; which was to divert Jessica's thoughtsfrom trouble and her lips from asking why her mother did not appear.

  But the meal over, the question came, and the answer was ready:

  "Why, I just coaxed her to lie and rest a spell. She knew that I'd lookafter things all right, and can make butter next grade to hers, if Ican't equal. Anybody that's been worrying with a Chinaman as long asshe has needs a vacation, I 'low. So she's taking a mite of one."

  "Then I'll gather a bunch of roses and take to her. I'm glad to haveher rest, and I hope--Aunt Sally, do you suppose she heard any of thatdreadful man's talk? Did you tell her?"

  "No; I didn't tell her. I'd sooner never say another word as long asI live than do such a thing. You needn't be afraid to trust your oldauntie, child. There, run along and make her a posy."

  But no sooner had Jessica gone into the garden than Aunt Sally's lipswere close to Ephraim's ear, and she was whispering:

  "She heard it, every word. She didn't say so, and I didn't ask. Butthe look of it in her eyes. Ephraim Marsh, I've got a heartbroken womanon my hands, and don't you dare to tell me a word 'at I haven't."

  "Oh, that tongue of yours! Last night when you were yelling at him whydidn't you think abo
ut other folks' hearts and be still? You've avoice like a fog horn when you're mad--or pleased, either!" cried thishonest, ungallant frontiersman.

  "I know it, Ephy. It's the truth. I realize it as well as you do. AndI was mad. Since she heard, anyway, I wish now 'at I'd up and thrashedhim good. I had laid out to put a little bitter dose in his coffee thismorning, but he went away without taking any," she ended, grimly.

  "Sally Benton, you're quite contriving. What's to be done?"

  Before she could reply Jessica came back, her arms full of greatrose-branches and her face bright with confidence.

  "Ephraim, Aunt Sally, I've thought of something. It came to me outthere among the roses, like a voice speaking; my mother must not andneed not be told what Mr. Hale said. It isn't wicked to deceive herin this, for her own good. Often you've asked her to let you take mehorseback trip to Los Angeles, stopping nights at houses on the way,with people who knew my father; and she's promised I should 'sometime.' I think the 'some time' has come. She will be glad to haveus go, for one thing, to find out about the feather markets and othersthat Antonio used to take care of, but has left. Aunt Sally does twothings at once; why not we? We'll hunt that man who took the money;and if I can't find the deed first--though, of course, I shall--we'llstraighten that out, too. Isn't that good sense?"

  "It's more; it's inspiration," responded "Forty-niner,"enthusiastically. He had already decided to make this journey alone, forJessica's sake; but with her as companion he felt that it would beas sure of success as full of pleasure. A little child working to clearher father's name of dishonor, and to save her mother's home--whatevil could prevail against this noble effort?

  It was like his simplicity and hers that neither thought of providing fordifficulties by the way, or for any delay in finding the men and proofsthey sought, when once they reached the distant city.

  Aunt Sally was not so sanguine; yet it was not her part to discourageany attempt to set wrong matters right, and she merely nodded her headand remarked:

  "It'll bear thinking on. Now, run along and see your mother."

  "Has she had her breakfast? Can't I carry it to her?"

  "S'pose I'd let that poor lamb go without her dawn-meal late as this?I heard her stirring the minute I got back into the house, so I fixedher some broma and poached her an egg, and made her go lie down again.You'll not find her hungry, child, 'less for a sight of you."

  Jessica ran to her mother's room, exclaiming:

  "I'm so glad you're resting, dear. Were ever more perfect roses? Andisn't it delightful that Aunt Sally should be here just now to lookafter things. Because----"

  "Well, my darling? Why do you hesitate?"

  "Mother, may Ephraim and I go on that trip to Los Angeles?"

  Lady Jess had intended to be very careful and cautious, for once, andto test her mother's feelings on the subject she made her request. Butfrankness was her habit, and the question was out of itself, it seemed,and she waiting the answer with a beating heart.

  "Why just now, daughter? And--has Mr. Hale gone?" she asked, in apeculiar tone.

  "Yes. He has gone. He left rather--rather suddenly, but he sent hisregards to you and his thanks. He said he might come back some time,but--I don't think he will. He said something to offend the 'boys,'and they let him take old Dandy. Samson went with him to show him theway."

  Poor little captain, who had never in her short life had one secretthought from her idolized mother. This first experience did not comeeasy to her, and after one glance into the sad, yet amused, eyes watchingher, she tossed secrecy aside and buried her face on her mother's pillow.

  "Mother, mother! I am so unhappy. I'm keeping something back from youthat I cannot tell you; that I cannot have you know, and I don't likeit. But--it's right, it's best. So don't ask me, and, oh, mother--"

  "I've no need to ask you, sweetheart. I know, already."

  "Know--what?" cried Jessica alarmed, and sitting straight again.

  "All that is in your brave heart. All that Mr. Hale had heard againstyour father. All that you and Ephraim hope from this suddenly decidedjourney to a distant city."

  "Why--how? And I'd only just thought it out, yonder in the garden!"

  "I had begun to suspect, I hardly know why, that our late guest hadcome here as our enemy, or, rather, as an agent against us. Somethingheld me back from confiding in him, as I at first wished to do. He is agentleman, and doubtless honest, but he is not on our side. Besides, howand why he went away just as he did is plain enough. I have ears andI have eyes, and I heard all Aunt Sally's tirade last night, so couldeasily guess at his own part in the talk. Also--I saw him ride out of thecourtyard. My little girl, for the first time in my life I blushed forSobrante. Even if he had been a wicked man, which he was not, that was adastardly insult. I am ashamed of your 'boys,' captain."

  "And so am I. And I told them so, quick enough. Oh! they pretended notto mind my anger, but they were ashamed--inside themselves, I know.Now, for ever so long, they'll be so good 'butter would melt in theirmouths.' You see."

  "Apt pupil of Aunt Sally."

  "Why, mother! How can you smile and take it so quiet? This awful--awfulthing he said?"

  "To say a thing is not to prove it. The charge is so monstrous that itbecomes absurd. Nothing hurts us but what we do, and your father neverdid a dishonorable deed, from the hour of his birth till his death. I amsorry for those mistaken people who think that he did, and I am thankfulthat he left a brave little daughter to set them right."

  Jessica stared. For a long time past she had seen her mother anxious andtroubled over matters which now seemed trivial in the extreme; yet thisblow which had almost crushed her own courage but restored Mrs. Trent's.

  "Then do you mean that we may go?"


  "Oh, mother! Thank you."

  "But you will go armed with the fullest information we can gain. Wewill examine all the papers Antonio left--if he left any. We will make athorough search everywhere for that title deed. We shall probably findletters from this New York company to your father, and these will havethe name, or names, of those with whom he did business at Los Angeles.I wish now that Senor Bernal were here. His knowledge would be wortheverything in this emergency, if--he would give it. Well, he is nothere, and we must do the best we can without him. I'm going to get upnow and begin to look."

  "Aunt Sally thought you ought to rest."

  "This talk will rest me most of all."

  The mother was now as eager as the child, and together they were soonengaged in opening Mr. Trent's desk and secretary, which his wife hadnot before touched since he himself closed them.

  Alas! the search was an easy matter, and came swiftly to an end. Beyond afew personal letters from relatives and friends, there was not a scrap ofwriting anywhere. Even the ledgers and account books had been removed,and at this discovery the same thought came to both:


  "Yet, why? and so secretly. He was really the master here, and if, ashe now claims, Sobrante is his, he has but to prove it, and we will goaway," said the widow, trembling for the first time.

  "Let us try the safe. That night before he went off in such grief,Ephraim gave me the key. He thought he was going forever, and I was tolook in it some time--when I needed. We'll look now."

  Mrs. Trent herself unlocked the clumsy iron box and found it empty, savefor one small parcel. This, wrapped in a bit of canvas, was securely tiedand addressed to "Jessica Trent."

  The mother passed it to her.

  "You open it, please, mother. It may be--it must be--that deed andmaybe some other things--I couldn't wait to pick the knots, and I'veno knife."